Pakistan has been hit by several devastating floods in recent years, and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) have played an important role in providing support and relief to the affected communities. Here are some examples of the support provided by NGOs in response to the floods in Pakistan: Emergency Relief: NGOs like Oxfam, UNICEF, and Save the Children have provided emergency relief supplies such as food, clean water, and shelter to the flood-affected communities.Medical Assistance: NGOs such as Doctors Without Borders and Islamic Relief have set up medical camps and provided medical assistance to the flood victims. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction: NGOs like Plan International and CARE have helped with the rehabilitation and reconstruction of schools, homes, and other infrastructure that were destroyed by the floods. Livelihood Support: NGOs like Mercy Corps and World Vision have provided livelihood support to the flood-affected communities by helping them to restart their businesses and providing them with training and resources to become self-sufficient. Psychosocial Support: NGOs like Red Cross and Terre des hommes have provided psychosocial support to the flood victims, especially children, to help them cope with the trauma of the disaster.

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