Shehryar Akhunzada
As a student of literature I love to read novels. Everybody (mostly in literature)has their own opinions and preferences some people like to read dramas,some people like poetry and some people like novels and I am one of them who read novels. Apart from literature the common people and students have interests in philosophy,science,political studies,history and many more fields of study.Now as I said that I love novels here a lot of questions are raised in the minds that why novel? Here I will not explain that how novel is better than others? But I will try to explain what I am always asked by my friends who do not actually love to read novels. They often ask me why do you read novels? There are no benefits of reading novels, instead of it you should read other books like philosophy and history etc. So here in this writing I just want to clear what are the benefits of reading novels and why should someone read them? First of all being a literary student it is must but it is not that much important for me. As they say you should read about history means you should read or study something which is informative about something, somewhere and some people. These novels are written by people who actually see the society and understands the society about which they write. They know about their culture,their lifestyles and after understanding them very well then they write about them. So what will be more informative than that? These novels might be fictional but the image and the facts which they show are not from somewhere which is not real. As the philosophers says that they(writers) actually imitate the idea and these ideas come from whatever they see and understand. These novels and fictions contain the hidden truth and the true history about any society and the peoples. They are written in the form which shows the true culture because the writer comes from nowhere but from that society and he knows all the facts about that culture, society and their all good and bad things. And no one can expose their bad things better than the literary writers. The writers make an ideal world from the already existing world by their writing style and techniques which shows all the faults of the society and how these faults can be removed and the ideal society will be created. They gives us new ways to think about the world and develop our critical thinking skills. Novels also have psychological value attached with humans losing yourself in a novel is an excellent way to relax. So by reading the novels you will learn a lot of things about the society and the people on whom the novel is written. By studying the old novels you will learn about history and the lifestyle of that period. Apart from all that it gives you a good command over the language of your interest (especially English) and helps you in English vocabulary. The best thing is novels are fictions and interesting so they will never bore you. Because of not getting bored you will read more and more so it builds your reading stamina and you will learn a lot about the people and many hidden facts in the societies. This whole writing is only a surface level for those who says the novels are just stories.

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