Imtiaz Ali

Sadly to say,Hyderabad the second largest city of Sindh lacks educational facilities.It is well-known city where people belonging to different communities ,castes and so on migrate for the purpose of quality education.No doubt, institutions in Hyderabad leave no stone unturned to satisfy student but there is no specific place for students to do self-study. Daudpota library Hyderabad also remains insufficient for wide range of students .Owing to a large number of interminable students,it compels learners to carry on their studies on floors .

On 2 November, youth gathered and agitated against the administration of library. Indubitably,Learners have constitutional right to all facilities regarding education. Therefore, the whole youth community requests the Government Of Sindh to resolve this issue because education is an important asset for eradicating all evils from society. The Purpose of Education is to convert mirror into window said by (Sydney J.Harris)

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