Islamabad,   (Parliament Times) : Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmad Bhat said that Kashmiris denounce and decry the visit of Amit Shah to J&K. Amit shah and company unleashed reign of terror upon the besieged and oppressed Kashmiris after revoking articles 370 and 35A in 2019.

Chairman JKSM further said that Amit Shah’s visit is aimed at rubbing salt on the wounds of Kashmiris who have been living life in misery under the forceful occupation of one million indian forces.

Chaiman JKSM Bhat added that Amit Shah and company after revoking special Status of IIOJ&K unleashed reign of terror upon Kashmiris. Every sector including Education, Business, ahealth, Tourism and social welfare were hit hard to paralyse the Kahsmiris economically and financially, aimed at punishing the brave Kahsmiri people for not submitting before India military might.

A complete shutdown will be observe tomorrow on 5th Oct against Hindutva leader and Indian Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the occupied territory.

While supporting and calling for shutdown during Amit shah’s visit Bhat said that, a strong and vivid message should be sent to the world by shutting down and halting everything that Kashmiris reject Indin occupation, its policies and its hegemony.

Chairman Bhat while telling about pain and suffering of Kashmiri people since 1989 said that, Indian occupation forces have killed more than 96,114 innocent people, among them 7,254 in custody, 165,120 Civilian arrested, 110,490 Structures Arsoned/Destroyed, 22,950 Women Widowed, 107,880 Children Orphaned, 11,25 Women gang-raped / Molested.

Kashmiris will sned a clear message by complete shutdown that the barbaric, killers and neo colonist settlers who are jeopardizing the peace of whole of South Asia are visiting forcefully and illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir.

Chairman JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat said that its painful how the developed world and international organisations are being misled by India, and rather than pressurizing India to respect Human Rights, International Laws, UN Resolutions , India is left unchecked to crush dissent, suppress voice of freedom, jail hurriyat leaders and kill innocent youth to continue its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

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