Kanwal Nigar Qadeer
Deforestation is highly effected the environment mostly in Pakistan deforestation is done Due to deforestation on their are some of the places their is lake of oxygen and many of the people have breathing problems and they need oxygen and their less oxygen due to deforestation. Forest are of vital importance for our earth.These serve as natural habitats for plants and animals. The clearing of land by cutting densely populated plants and trees on surface of earth is refored deforestation. The deforestation is continued to meet the requirements such as agriculture land.l, land for house construction wood, etc for growing human population. The habitats of wildlife are ruined The danger of extinction of wildlife Due to unchecked. deforestation. The water and carbon cycle is completely disturbed and change in cilenate take place. The source of wood disappears. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere and release oxygen due to deforestation the absorption of carbon dioxide decreases. In this manner the amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere starts increasing So processes like greenhouse effect and global warming also become fast. A large amount of water is added to atmosphere due to evaporation taking place in tree leaves and Plants of forest and rains take place Decrease in rains take place due to deforestation Therefore, I think the government or people should not cut he tees because these trees are necessary part of our live If trees would not be there then it Could not be possible to control yourself because you would breathing problem due of oxygen.

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