Insaf Ali Bangwar
Although the conversations over climate have been taken place since 1995 with a little triumphant. But the year 2015 has dawned as the turning point regarding it since it got signed by 196 and made history. As the foreign minister of France and the chair of the Conference of Parties, Laurent Fabius stated that “The success in Paris was made possible by a strong process of environment diplomacy”. “This is no time for climate fatalism. We need science, societies and states to be in alignment for our crucial next step”. He added. Undoubtedly, science has made huge progress in so many aspects and the scientific report given rise to the gravity of the issue by its biodiversity fields and also the societies across the globe made efforts to avert the climate change catastrophe. Regrettably, the climate summit held in Glasgow did not pave the desired results that were needed desperately, ten of thousands of individuals attended despite COVID-19 impediments. In the majority, they were western countries that are directly accountable for the production of the crisis itself, and a few, according to Mary Robison, a former Prime Minister of Ireland, came with a “crisis” mindset that will oversee any kind of gravity is coming to a consensus. Currently, the most carbon emissions are being produced by the largest populated countries, China and India. This much burnings and emission of carbon keep the number of greenhouse gases increased, though, they need to dwindle and that could not be convinced to make concrete commitments this year, would probably feel the gravity to make changes more acutely another year for now. It is wished that this realisation will insert a new approach that jeopardises the global climate regime liable for changing the atmosphere of the Earth since the mid-19th century. In just a century and the usage of fossil fuels has touched the pinnacle and created an alarming situation for all the creatures on the globe. In this context the success of the Glasgow COP26 depended on: (i) Funding technological issues carried over from COP25 which encompasses funding for toll and damage and carbon market mechanism. (ii) Delivery of $100 billion dollars — climate finance — and setting the successive target for climate finance by 2025. (iii) Galvanising assistance for common time frames for the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDS) with downward pointers and metrics to check real-time progress on the commitments. One of the stumbling blocks to having access to global unity over climate is the issue of finance/money. For now, the global market in carbon counterbalance (through which polluting companies reimburse money for the pollution they generate) means the rich countries are being paid by the companies and corporations. Since rich and developed countries on the globe are historically responsible for the pollution that now endangering the world, poor and third world countries need to have access to some of the money from the sale of carbon offset. They could after use this finance to nicer fund measures that would permit their population to deal with maladies regarding climate change. The measures and pledges are being made to get rid of the contributors which lead to climate catastrophes lately. Even as the summit was gearing up, Lahore in Pakistan was declared as the world’s most polluted city recently, when the Air Quality Index rose to 700. Let’s see what would happen next year in Egypt.

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