Sohail Anjum Malik

ISLAMABAD:  IBC is world class exhibition for media entertainment and technology experts. It provides the perfect platform to network and build up relationships with suppliers and customers as well as to discover the latest trends and technology .The IBC 2021 dates will be especially important for the content and technology sector. re-uniting professionals from all over the world for an in- person showcase of everything the future of media has to offer in the post pandemic era.

The world’s most influential media Entertainment & Technology show and is aimed at broadcasters content creators providers equipment manufacturer’s professionals and other participants in the broadcasting entertainment and technology industry in its 50th anniversary IBC 2017 had a record attendance from 150 countries around the world exhibiting more than 1700 of the world technology suppliers and showcasing a debate leading for conference .
IBC is an independent body owned by six partner bodies IABM , lEEE , lET , RITs , SCTE and SMPTE with a full time professional staff
Six leading international bodies are the owners behind IBC representing both exhibitors and visitors . Since 1967 IBC has been run by the industry for the industry and that has never been more important than it is today.

IBC 2021 Amsterdam is scheduled to take place on 3 – 6 December

As the editions so far the trade show will combine an exhibition and an engaging conference. The stands will boast the latest innovations brought by over 1800 exhibitors more than 56.400 visitors will come to the next IBC .

Every year IBC offers an unparalleled platform to meet and learn from the most engaged power brokers and innovators in international electronic media and entertainment. among the top priorities during each IBC show participants are given plenty of opportunities to connect globally



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