NEW YORK: Pakistani-American IT expert Rana Zaman Saeed has launched a campaign in the United States for Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s victory, dubbed “1 million Muslim voters”.”Rallies being held in favor of Joe Biden in all states of the United States.” Pakistanis and US voters of all Muslims countries are participating in these rallies. The citizens of the United States are calling for Biden to win the election.

According to the details, Rana Zaman Saeed, a Pakistani-American, along with Syed Rizwan Shah, Muhammad Ramzan, Javed Latif and others from the Pakistani community are currently campaigning for Biden’s victory in the US presidential election. Talking to Pakistani media in New York, Rana Zaman Saeed, a Pakistani-American businessman, said that President Trump’s policies are creating problems not only for the Americans but also for those who come here from other Islamic countries including Pakistan.However, Joe Biden has promised us that he will not only play his role for the rights of Muslims around the world, but will also make things easier for those who come here. He said that not only Pakistanis but also American voters from other Muslim countries are fully supporting us in this campaign. Inshallah we are sure that we will be successful in the campaign of 1 million Muslim voters.Rana Zaman Saeed said that the publication of blasphemous sketches in France is a very heinous and reprehensible act and we are using every protest option including protest outside the French embassy in Pakistan. It is the responsibility of the United Nations that they should complete the legislation for criminalising the publication of blasphemous sketches.

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