KANDHKOT:(Daily Parliament Times) Opposition leader Khurshid Shah on Saturday has said that Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif is taking support of Qatari PM’s statement over London flats matter.

Talking to media in Kandhkot, Khurshid Shah announced to launch movement against Nawaz Sharif on December 27 in case of not accepting opposition’s four demands.

He also claimed that Panama Leaks allegations are true and that the premier is submitting Qatari prince’s remarks to get clearance.

Shah said Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif would retire after the completion of his tenure.

He further lauded the services of the Army Chief and said successful anti-terrorism operations like Zarb-e-Azb were started under his supervision.

Third party would get advantage of scuffle between politicians, he added.

Opposition leader also hinted at fruitful consequences if leaders highlight nation’s issues in the assembly.

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