Scheduled meeting to discuss proposed Amendments to Section 505(c), Other Provisions in AJK Interim Constitution 1974:
Altaf Hamid Rao
MIRPUR (AJK) (Parliament Times): President Supreme Court Bar Association of Azad Jammu Kashmir Raja Sajjad Ahmad Khan Advocate said that an emergent meeting of the Supreme Court Bar Association will be held on at Bar Room in the state capital city of Muzaffarabad on Friday – September 20 at 12.00 a.m.
According to our Special Jammu and Kashmir state Correspondent Altaf Hamid Rao. Zyhe AJK SCBA President Sajjad Ahmad Khan Advocate said in a,statement issued on Thursday that the scheduled meeting is of a very important nature.
“The agenda of the meeting has been released. In addition to all the circuit benches, the opinions of the lawyers of the Supreme Court from all District Bars of AJK will also be taken in the meeting through video link” he added.
He said that lawyers can also share their views through WhatsApp.
Sajjad said that agenda of the scheduled meeting include the Bar’s, respective stance position on Amendments to Section 505(c) and Other Provisions.
The AJK SCBA President said there were numerous cases in the Supreme Court of Azad Jammu Kashmir which could not be heard by the present judges, for which the appointment of adhoc judge was implemented, but objection was raised by some circles that the procedure of appointment of adhoc judge was also the same as for the appointment of a permanent judge.