Lahore, (PR) : Information Minister Punjab Azma Bokhari has said that PTI revolves around chaos and disruption. The prisoner from Adiala Jail believes in boot-polishing. Imran Khan conspired against Nawaz Sharif and took over power through the backdoor by manipulating the RTS. Alhamdulillah, Nawaz Sharif always comes into power with a two-thirds majority. She expressed these views while responding to Barrister Saif’s press conference.
She said that your so-called ‘Zill-e-Tabaahi’ Imran Khan talks about dropping an atomic bomb on Pakistan and breaking it into three parts. Those who attacked military installations and burned statues of martyrs have no shame in talking about peace.
The prisoner from Adiala Jail has been proven to be a certified liar, corrupt, and dishonest. Imran Khan’s corruption is now becoming a highlight in international media. PTI is a party born out of sit-ins and rigging. Instead of staging drama in Islamabad, they should do it in Peshawar.
The Information Minister further said that Nawaz Sharif believes in the constitution, law, and democracy, whereas the prisoner from Adiala Jail believes in facilitation and boot-polishing. Mian Nawaz Sharif has been honorably acquitted and exonerated from false cases. Now, his party is in power both in the federal government and Punjab. Those who conspired against him have met their fate.
Addressing Umar Ayub, Azma Bokhari asked which “farm” he came from and why his legs tremble at the recount. Why did he obtain a stay order after contesting elections from a Khyber Pakhtunkhwa constituency? The money that is meant for the welfare of the KPK should not be wasted on his luxuries.