Lahore, (PR) : Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari has said that the mastermind of the May 9 incident is shamelessly and brazenly asking for forgiveness. The person who once claimed that he would not grant anyone an NRO is now pleading for mercy. Even if Imran Khan tries to clear his name, the dark stains on his reputation cannot be erased. The international media reported that PTI members attacked military installations. Under a plan, Imran Khan incited people and manipulated their minds. These unfortunate individuals burned the statues of our national heroes, Karnal Sher Khan and M.M. Alam.
She further stated that on the day Imran Khan was arrested, his key associates urged people to take to the streets. The day after his arrest, Imran Khan himself admitted that the public reacted to his arrest. A few days ago, Imran Khan also admitted to attacking the GHQ. The information minister added that, on the one hand, you burn the house of the founder of Pakistan, and on the other hand, you shamelessly ask for forgiveness. Under the leadership of Yasmin Rashid, Ijaz Chaudhry, and Mehmood-ur-Rashid, PTI attacked the Corps Commander’s House, while Hassaan Niazi first waved and then burned the Corps Commander’s uniform. At the time of the attack on the Corps Commander House, Aleema Khan, Uzma Khan, and Rani Khan were present. She mentioned that video evidence of the attacks on military installations and sensitive agency offices is available. The videos of PTI members’ attacks are not just one or two but are in hundreds, available on every social media platform.
Your crocodile tears and fake apologies are being thrown back at your face. Azma Bokhari stated that even the courts do not accept unconditional apologies; how can the people of Pakistan accept conditional apologies for burning the statues of martyrs?