ATTOCK: Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar while hearing the complaints of the general public and police officials during an open court at Central Police Office has directed the district police officers of the province including Attock to ensure the solution of these problems at grass root level on daily basis and communicate their complete report to IG Office regularly. The Director Public Relations, Punjab Police said on Tuesday. He open katechery was held at the Central Police Office to address the problems of the citizens, in which the IG Punjab issued orders after listening to the problems of the citizens and police personnel. Ordering the concerned DPOs to take immediate action on the requests of the citizens and send a report, Dr. Usman Anwar said that the district police officers should listen to the problems of the citizens on a daily basis and solve them at the local level. IG Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, further said that it is the responsibility of the concerned supervisory officers to ensure solutions to the problems of the citizens at the grassroots level. The IG Punjab further said that the concerned branch heads should ensure immediate redressal of the requests of the police personnel under personal supervision; all possible relief should be given according to merit on the requests related to transfer, posting, reward and punishment, and other departmental matters. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar said that only by solving the problems of the force can we demand better performance from them. The IG Punjab also issued orders regarding the problems of the families of the employees who died during the service. IG Punjab further said that every possible care should be taken for the welfare of the police martyrs as well as the heirs of the employees who died during the service.
Meanwhile, the Punjab Police has finalized its security plan for the mourning processions and Majalis held across the province on the Chehlam of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) in compliance with the directives of the Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar. The spokesperson of Punjab Police said that more than 30 thousand officers, officials, and volunteers will perform their duties for the security of 677 Majalis and 378 processions across Punjab, including Attock. More than 7000 officers, officials, and volunteers will be deployed for the security of 44 Majalis and five central mourning processions in the provincial capital, and all available resources will be utilized in security arrangements. IGP Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar directed to ensure the best security arrangements for all mourning processions and Majalis and said that additional personnel should be deployed for the security of central and sensitive Majalis and processions across the province, including Attock. Snipers should be deployed on the rooftops of buildings coming in on the routes of mourning processions. Lady police officers and officials will perform the duty of checking women in Majalis and mourning processions. IGP Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar ordered to ensure foolproof security arrangements on the occasion of the annual Urs of Hazrat Usman Ali Hajveri, known as Data Ganj Baksh (r.a), and said that the security SOPs of Hazrat Imam Hussain and Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh should be implemented properly. The IG Punjab further said that for the security arrangements of mourning processions and Majalis, there should be constant coordination from all stakeholders, including community leaders, ulemas, and Aman committees. Chehlum mourning processions and Urs celebrations will be continuously monitored from Safe City cameras and control rooms, , DPR Punjab Police added.