Europe,(Parliament Times): According to a foreign news agency, International Ambassador for the Department of Media and Global Times Media Europe Chief Executive Ikramuddin said that who among us does not know the significance of March 23 in the history of Pakistan.This day is the most important date,In fact,it is the date of establishing the characteristics of the homeland to emerge on the map of the world.This day is the acceptance of that resolution day,Where after only 7 years the muslims of sub continent got relief from the sufferings and atrocities of the British and Hindus prejudices. Today,the need is that the elders of the nation should tell and explain to the new generation what was the source of this resolution,what were the meanings and objectives so that they can truly understand.To be aware of the details of the history of Pakistan and to adapt the beloved country to the words of the Quaid and the thoughts of Iqbal,if this country needs anything today,it is the practical interpretation of the goals of its establishment,that is the dreams of Iqbal and the Quaid,The adoption of which is necessary for the survival,stability and security of this God-given country.
International embassador for Department of Media and Global Times Media Europe Chief Executive Ikramuddin said in his statement on the occasion of Pakistan Resolution Day that I think no one will agree with the the idea that,we did not get this country to be left to the wolves, Where did the political gurus and their tricks lead them to,which is regrettable.He further said that the ongoing political conflict in Pakistan and the power hungry politicians and rulers of this country are more concerned about their own power and authority than the people.Otherwise this country has got a consensus constitution which everyone agrees on and if they act on this constitution then the country can run in a proper democratic way which every one should accept and play their role for the strength of the country keeping in view the changing global and regional conditions.