Hasnain Mathroma
A few months ago, the UN world happiness report was published. Pakistan ranked 121 out of 149. It tells us that we just give the population and pollution to our country, nothing else. Recently I was studying the conquest of happiness (Bertrand Russell). Here I have had to define everything in an excellent way. He gave many reasons why people become unhappy. -Competition -Boredom and Excitement -The sense of sin -Envy and so on. Due to lack of daily exercise, people become unhappy when exercising a neurotransmitter and also called reward center named dopamine hormone released it works like memory motivation , mood attention etc. Resell has written some critical lines for our societical norms: “ the poor envy the rich, the poorer nations envy the richer nations, women envy men, virtuous women envy those who , though not virtuous, remain unpunished. It tells us that envy is the chief issue in different classes, different nations , different sexes.