Noor Khan Bakhrani Tangwani
The word democracy is well defined as “The government of the people by the people for the people.” In a democratic country every citizen has equal parallel fundamental rights of life. But unfortunately, in our country there are different rules and rights specified for rich and poor. This is why, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Likewise, if a poor commits a mistake he is punished on the other-hand when a rich does something wrong then he is forgiven and aquited from it on account of being influential and powerful. It is very unfair and such double standards endorse the rule of “Might is right.” History is replete with many precedents and is better evidence that many nations and societies were ruined due to applying rule of law and preferably supported elite class in every matter. Having a look on the grooming and implementation of real democracy in our country Pakistan, it seems still a long way to be properly functional because either the politicians are not sincere with this mode of government or some exploiting forces created obstacles not to strengthen it in letter and spirit. In the recent past democratic parties could not deliver in the masses so cretics and analystists have not only concerns over existing system but also are very thoughtful about the future of democracy in Pakistan. The veteran politicians, Intelligentsia and patriots of Pakistan are of the point of view that now-a-days politics in our country became a dirty game and war of interests but nothing else. Politicians only think about their families and own vested interests rather than addressing the fundamental rights and issues of common people. They do not put their heart and soul to redress and ease the grievances of suppressed, oppressed and downtrodden people. Common voters have no more interest in politics because they are always deceived by selfish electables. This is why the basic problems and sufferings of the masses enhanced rather than to mitigate, so is the case of progress and prosperity of the state.
The way in which the political scenario of Pakistan has changed in very short span of time since December 2021 that every individual is flabbergasted. The PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement), an alliance of joint opposition including PML(N), PPP, JUI(F), BAP, MQM, JWP and others succeeded to change Pakistan Tahreek Insaaf’s regime in center through No-Confidence Motion. Surprisingly, it is pertinent to mention here, that in the history of Pakistan Imran Khan is the first Premier who has been defeated and consequently, removed from prime minister-ship in a very humiliating manner. The history of our country reveals that in past such motions could not be succeeded against rulers. It is a big question in the mind of every Pakistani that how this motion was timed, moved and made successful? Still its beyond the comprehension of common man and every one wants to know who plotted against it and paved the way for its success. The common people still do not believe in that how the game was changed and which hidden hands are behind this big political game? One-side the allied opposition parties claim that it was their political strategy to over throw the regime of selectors who are responsible for high inflation and bad governance in the country owing to the incompetency and wrong policies the labour and poor class can not make both ends meet. Since this govt was formed in 2018 the alliance of opposition parties rejected PTI-led federal government and strongly criticises its policies. Simultaneously, a coalition was formed in the name of PDM by few leading opponent political parties to change the regime by all possible means. From the very beginning PDM was on the roads and holding demonstration rallies, million march and opted each and every possible initiative to get rid of Niazi’s govt. In country-wide long marches opposition leaders vehemently criticized the govt policies and they were of the view that ever increasing inflation during the three and a half year tenure of PTI government has broken the back of the masses and they even can’t do shopping, buy medicine and pay fees of their children. It has become hard and impossible for the poor people to meet the needs and expenses of their family. The sky rocketing prices has not only restricted poor from shopping but also badly affected the business community alike. The opposition allegedly is making Niazi’s govt responsible for worsening socio-economic conditions created by PTI govt in the country. It is reality that despite big hollow claims of establishing a new Pakistan on the pattern of “Madina Welfare State”, surprisingly, the PTI government could not deliver in the masses vowed with them during mass election campaigns and rallies. Probably, the rising inflation in petroleum products and daily consuming articles became the cause of failure of this govt. Nevertheless, people react against the removal of Imran Khan’s regime through out the world because still they think that Khan is a better choice for Pakistan. On social media the supporters of PTI govt are recording and expressing their anger, hatred and displeasure over untimely removal of Imran Khan from the chair.
Let’s hope that the political confrontation between newly formed govt and PTI will be ceased and both parties will focus on the welfare of masses through better policies and decisions.