LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired a meeting at his office to review steps for resolving public problems at the grassroots. The meeting was attended by provincial ministers Raja Basharat, Mian Mahmood-ur-Rasheed, Hashim Jawan Bakht, Mian Aslam Iqbal, Chief Secretary and others.
The CM directed that effective steps should be taken to resolve the problems of the people at their doorsteps adding that the new local bodies system will usher in a new era of development at the basic level. The local bodies system will benefit the people as a strong local government system will help to solve public problems, he held. Similarly, the Punjab Local Government Act will ensure genuine public representation, he added.
The CM maintained the government wants to introduce an exemplary system for empowering local bodies institutions. He disclosed that a separate development package will be introduced for every district adding that best sanitation services, as well as the provision of clean drinking water, are top priorities of the government. The government is giving particular attention to the repair and maintenance of roads and streets because the timely solution of problems is the gist of the public-friendly development process, he added. A democratic system that could solve public problems at their doorsteps is imperative and the PTI-led government fully believes in the devolution of power and authority at the grassroots, concluded the CM.