52 patients discharged after tested negative of COVID-19 in AJK:
Altaf Hamid Rao,
MIRPUR, (Parliament Times): At least 52 more patients were discharged from various quarantine centers in AJK after they were tested negative of COVID-19 on Thursday, AJK health authorities said.
At the same as many as 73 new suspects of corona virus were registered during last 24 hours and all of them were got tested by the NIH lab and the reports about their results were awaited, the State Health Authorities sources told our AJK Correspondent Altaf Hamid Rao. on Thursday. An AJK Heaktg Authority report issued on Thursday said that a total of 322 suspected cases were sent for test of which the result of 201 have reached. Of these 192 suspects were tested negative. Results of 121 cases are awaited which are scheduled to reach in a day or two next.
Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 suspects tested positive in AJK has increased to nine, official sources said. Three of the suspects tested positive belonged to Mirpur district, four from Bhimbher district and two from Sudhanoti district.
. A total of 188 cases have so far been registered in Azad Jammu Kashmir so far and all of them have been admitted in Quarantine centers at various locations in AJK for treatment, the meeting was informed. 25 of new cases have been admitted in AIMS hospital Muzaffarabad, 06 in DHQ hospital Mirpur, 12 in dhq hospital Kotli, seven in Palandri hospital and 23 new suspects were admitted in DHQ hospital Bhimbher. All of them have been tested by the concerned laps. Alla of the new suspects have been admitted in Quarantine centers. In case of the positive tests, all concerned are shifted to the isolation center for due Medicare, the state health authorities sources said Thursday evening.