LAHORE: The Lahore Arts Council holding a painting exhibition titled “Blood in the Valley” to
highlight the Kashmir issue to aimed promoting the "Kashmiris Struggle Movement”.
Alhamra has invited people from all Pakistan to participate in this exhibition. Participants can be
submitted their artworks till 30th of January at Alhamra Art Gallery the Mall.
Exhibition “Blood in the Valley” will be open on 5th of February at Alhamra Art Gallery, the Mall. The
basic purpose of this exhibition is to highlight the current situation of Kashmir and to show solidarity
with the people of Kashmir.
Executive Director LAC Ather Ali Khan said that not only the Lahore Arts Council but, entire nation of
Pakistan is standing with people of Kashmir and we salute to Kashmiri people for their fight against
brutal Indian armed forces by organizing this exhibition. Lahore Arts Council will continue to arrange
different programmes to express unity with the people of Kashmir, he added.