ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb on Saturday said that Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has not resigned.”Reports of Dar’s resignation are baseless.”
She added that the resignation is the prerogative of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.”Demanding resignation from Dar is the prerogative of the prime minister,” said the minister.Rumours had circulated on Saturday morning that the finance minister had sent his resignation to the premier.
Referring to the ongoing sit-in by supporters of religious parties at Islamabad’s Faizabad Interchange, Aurangzeb said the government wants a peaceful resolution of the issue plaguing the twin cities.
She also took the opportunity to criticise Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan and said that sit-ins were Imran’s gift to the nation.
Musadik Malik, the spokesperson for PM House, had also cleared the confusion, stating that in light of Ishaq Dar’s health and him seeking treatment abroad, as per cabinet rules, the finance ministry portfolio had already come under the prime minister’s control
The spokesman added, that the prime minister was taking regular briefings on matters of finance and was managing the portfolio efficiently.
A corruption reference pertaining to Dar’s owning assets disproportionate to his known sources of income was filed by NAB in light of the Supreme Court’s July 28 judgment in the Panama Papers case.
The accountability court hearing the corruption case against Dar — who is in London to receive medical treatment for his heart condition — issued non-bailable warrants after the minister failed to appear in court for the fourth time on November 14.
The court also issued a notice to Dar’s guarantor for failing to ensure the presence of the minister and adjourned the hearing until November 21.
The anti-graft body has also announced that it would reinvestigate Dar in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case.
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