The Pakistan Stock Exchange ended Tuesday’s trading session on a negative note, with the benchmark KSE-100 index losing 157 points, or 0.32 per cent, by the close of the trading session to reach 48,523.41.
Volumes were led by commercial banking stocks amidst lower-than-usual activity in the trading session.
77.5 million shares had changed hands by the end of the session, with a total worth of nearly Rs 6.3 billion.
Stocks of 371 companies were traded, of which 150 gained in value, 196 declined and 25 remained unchanged.
Volumes were led by:
Bank of Punjab: 23.2m shares traded [-5.17pc];
Azgard Nine: 19.1m shares traded [+8.52pc];
Aisha Steel Mill: 18.7m shares traded [-4.11pc];
TRG Pak Ltd: 15m shares traded [-0.12pc]; and,
Engro Polymer: 8.87m shares traded [+4.95pc].