Srinagar: Chief Patron JKLF (R) Barrister Abdul Majid Trambu hailed the joint statement of OIC for its unconditional support to ongoing freedom movement. In statement issued to the media on Thursday, Trambu said that it is encouraging that OIC in its Ankara declaration has called for sending a fact finding mission to Kashmir and its unconditional support for right to self-determination.
We are highly thankful for their moral support said Barrister Trambu impressed world bodies including UN to allow fact finding mission of OIC to monitor grave human rights violations perpetrated by Indian forces and impress India to allow people to express their aspirations with regards to their political destiny. Trambu supported call of OIC wherein it has asked India to implement UN resolution for final settlement of Kashmir issue.
Barrister strongly criticized the move wherein 12 government officials have been terminated and terming it barbarous act and said that administration is suffering from frustration and their brutal approach will lead to its culmination. We are with state officials and we will stand by them ,said Barrister.
Meanwhile Ab Majid Trambu expressed his concern over the continuous detention Dukhtaran Milt Chairperson Aasiya Andrabi and said that she is suffering from different ailments and needs proper treatment. Slamming at state administration, Barrister said that Aasiya Andrabi being subjected to political vengeance. He strongly condemned and slammed administration for slapping PSA against Fehmeeda Nasreen of Dukhtaran -e- Millat and demanded their immediate release.